We unfortunately cannot directly enroll people to receive vouchers. We partner with community organizations that do the enrolling and voucher distribution. Each organization makes their own [...]
Vouchers are distributed via community-based organizations partnering with EatSF. If you are a current participant, you will receive vouchers from the staff at your site on a monthly basis. [...]
Vouchers are distributed at participating community-based organizations and health clinics. Each site has its own eligibility criteria and schedule for distributing vouchers on a regular basis. [...]
This depends on the staff at the site where you are receiving vouchers. Most people receive their vouchers once per month or once per 3 months. The number of vouchers depends on your specific [...]
Please check the map to find the markets, grocery stores, and corner stores that accept EatSF vouchers. You may also use the vouchers at the Heart of the City Farmers Market, Alemany Farmers [...]
Vouchers can be used at any of our partnering vendor locations. Vouchers are worth $5-$10. If you spend more than the allotted amount, you will have to pay the difference. If you spend less than [...]
Heart of the City Farmer’s Market: Redeem your vouchers directly at the farmer’s market booth of your choice. Note: You will not receive any change back if you spend less than the [...]