Radman’s Produce Market: Increasing Access to Healthy Food

San Francisco’s Tenderloin is considered a food desert – defined as “an urban area in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food”. To bring more fresh produce to the [...]

Tom Waddell Urban Health Clinic: Champions for Health in the Tenderloin

The providers at Tom Waddell Urban Health Clinic are champions in their community. As clinicians and administrators, Tom Waddell employees support some of the most underserved and vulnerable [...]

Jacquelyn: Stretching a Family Food Budget

Meet Jacquelyn. As a single mother living in San Francisco, she has a tough job: feeding her young children healthy food on a tight budget. Jacquelyn explains that “living in the city as a single [...]

Arthur: Fresh Produce Choices in the Community

An EatSF participant living in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, Arthur, speaks about the close-knit community of the area, about the good dietary choices that EatSF enables him to make [...]

Supporting Small Farms Success at Farmers Market

In addition to improving health and reducing hunger, healthy food vouchers can provide an economic stimulus for vendors that provide fresh fruit and vegetables. Heart of the City Farmers Market [...]

Stretching a Food Budget Success at SF AIDS Foundation

EatSF participants experience the pleasure of fresh fruit and vegetables, some for the first time. The vouchers are also a stabilizing influence in their lives since they worry less about where [...]

Healthy Eating Success Without Cooking

Participants in the EatSF program use the fresh produce they buy with their vouchers in all kinds of ways. While many of them integrate their fruit and vegetables into cooked hot meals, smoothies [...]

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